Continue Scene

Paid Plugins Continue Scene

Plugins available on Patreon
Naturalis v1.4 alphaEnhanced realism for breasts, butt and female genitals. Dynamic adjustments and full customization.
Naturalis v1.3Natural behavior for breasts & butt. Automatic, dynamic adjustments and full customization.
UXPlus v1.1 betaUsability improvements focusing on the VAM user interface.
Body Weight v1.0More realistic body mass, adjustable by region.
Default Scene Manager v1.0Select scene to load on VAM start, and create scene load actions for Keybindings.
Continue Scene v1.0Auto-save the current scene to Continue.json when exiting VAM.
Performance Overlay v1.0 betaConfigurable overlay for monitoring frame rate, frame time and heap size memory.
VamBoop v1.0Boop the boob with your mouse pointer!

Continue Scene
  • Saves the current scene to Saves/scene/Continue.json when exiting VAM
  • As the latest saved scene, it always shows up as the first item in the scene browser
  • You can use Default Scene Manager to set the Continue.json as the default scene to automatically continue whatever you were doing when you closed VAM
    • especially handy for scene creators who are working on a specific scene over multiple VAM restarts
The screenshot for the scene is copied from the current scene when exiting VAM. Whatever the thumbnail of that scene was at that time becomes the thumbnail for the Continue scene when you start VAM again, provided that the plugin is in your session. (It doesn't generate a new screenshot, it just uses the existing jpg.)


1. Add to Session Plugins
2. Save your session plugins user defaults - or use UXPlus to automatically save the user defaults
v1.0.0 (1.var)
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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