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    Soooo... 2023 has been crazy. I had so much work with almost three projects concurrently that I had to move closer to work for a while. Days became weeks, and weeks months... you know how it is.

    Having pretty much no internet outside of work, at least, for "that kind of website"... it is kind of hard to drop by the hub and give some news.

    Anyway. I'm reaching a big milestone and I'm gonna be back either this month or during March.

    That said, even tho I wasn't able to be around. I'm still hooked on creating, so I've made a handful of stuff on my crappy laptop. Almost finished the VAMM's teaser, and learned a lot in Blender (spending nights working around volumetrics and a new nebula shader to make some new cool space boxes). (poke @WeebUVR if you can send me a link through PMs with the recordings we were working so that I can include them in the teaser?)

    2024 is also gonna be the year of a couple of changes for my workflow on the hub. I'm gonna leave the public Discord server (but still remain on discord) and spend more time working. Being a number guy and writing down all my hours. During my time away, I realized that I've spent the first 5 months of 2023 helping/chatting/discussing with people of the community for over 65% of the time I've spent for VAM.

    I don't mind helping, and I do like you all very much. But I really want to focus on producing content, start seriously creating base content for VAM 2... and reduce the time spent helping on things that are actually explained and available on the hub. I have so much work IRL, that I cannot do everything.

    I'm gonna ensure to give and release great content which could be use as a base to learn VAM just like I did before.

    Can't wait to be back,
    I hope you're all fine,
    @vertigoeighty Yup I know. But time flies and I'm actually only realizing now I've been away that long... I guess working 12h isn't good for social life :x
    Acid Bubbles
    Acid Bubbles
    I just saw this! I wrote to you on Discord and was seriously wondering whether something happened or if you blocked me for some reason! I'm not super active recently but I'm still happy to see your name :)

    A journey to 2.x audio


    Some of you might have noticed... since several months I have the developer tag on the hub. I'm not a VaM developer per say, but I've discussed a lot with meshed and offered to work with him on the audio for 2.x on the side of my own projects in VaM.

    As we were chatting the other night, I proposed to discuss about the stuff going on on the side of the actual core code of VaM 2.x. So I'm gonna start by the most exciting stuff for you all since it's gonna bring some new content even before 2.x releases.

    VAMMoan 2.x

    Yes. Here we are, the new version of VAMMoan. I'm planning this since a while now, thought a lot of the potential improvements and how to bring an even more awesome audio experience to the plugin.

    The version 2 of VAMM will feature legacy voices (from the first version), and all new voices with several layers of complexity that will bring the moaning experience to a whole new level. Here is a breakdown of the way VAMM 2 will evolve.

    The original system was made of a single "layer" : the moans. With several intensities still, but only moans. It works great, but is limiting to give more emotion to a scene even with a LOT of samples. Now, with version 2, the system will have a lot more possibilities :
    • Still based on 5 intensities, from 0 to 4. ALL pools described below will have the sample variations for each intensity :
      • Breathing layer : only breathing.
      • Moaning layer : only moaning.
      • Reaction events : moan / voice gasps triggered on penetration at the beginning of an interaction or manually.
      • Short sentences : quick tiny "dialogs" triggered at will ( harder!... deeper!... etc )
    • With all these samples and pools new controls and options will allow you to drive the voice of the character :
      • Breathing/moaning ratio: by default the voice will be configured to change between moan and breathing. During a scene, you will be able to control a slider from 0 to 1 which will result in the character either breathing or moaning more. At 0.25 for instance, the character will moan 1 time out of four breath.
      • Manually control and plan intensities, reactions and sentences: in manual mode, you will be able to plan and send one, or multiple times in a row another intensity, reaction or sentence than the one currently active. Which means you can introduce more variations depending on how your scene evolve.
      • Additional random options: Just like in version 1, you will have several settings to control randomness for creators who are happy with the procedural system and don't want to add too much triggers into a scene. New options will appear to control the randomness. For instance, the breathing/moaning ratio will be able to change overtime by itself.

    But that's not all. This is the core content of VAMM. The rest will still be available ( Squishes, blowjob, pelvic slap sounds... ). But following a discussion with @Acid Bubbles , VAMM might feature new character sounds in the future. Skin sounds, clothes sounds, footsteps... and potentially anything that might bring more immersion and life to the sound of a character.

    So, you might be thinking, "yeah, that's cool and all, but still... it's gonna be in a long long time this 2.x thing".
    Well, rejoy fellow players and creators : we're gonna bring a teaser version of VAMMoan 2.x on VaM 1. The teaser version is not gonna be as complete as the final version thought for 2.x. But it will feature the multi-layer system and give you an idea of the quality we're aiming for. Like everything I do, or everything meshed does about 2.x, there is no ETA. But I will try my best to release that as fast as I can.

    We're working with Pixie for the first character, but I hope that we can find talented voice actors and actresses to bring a great and varied experience when 2.x is released.

    The teaser version for 1.x will work hand in hand with VAMM 1. Which means you can have the teaser version AND the version 1 in the same scene. I can't wait to see what you come up with in your scenes.

    Arousal and interactive system

    For VAMM and 2.x, the interactive system will completely go away. NO. Don't yell right now. It's gonna vanish "as it is" in VAMM 1. A new arousal plugin will be created to drive the overall arousal system of a character as a standalone plugin.

    Which means that this arousal plugin by itself will not do anything besides showing an arousal value between 0 and 100.
    The goal is to have a single plugin controlling anything else. VAMM 2 will have several options so that it can be controlled by the arousal plugin, but any creator, will be able to connect his own plugin and read the values to control his own features : emotion plugins, morph plugins, anything.

    We want to bring this type of plugin as soon as possible to ensure a good connectivity between all plugins created by the community. On 1.x, several plugins have their own arousal system built in, and it's hard to connect all of them due to the way the scripts and plugins work.

    If a single plugin controls the arousal of the characters, it makes the life easier of the creators, coders and players!

    Ambience, audio library and tools

    Another aspect of the audio is also the generic sounds. Ambience, details for the scenes etc... I plan on bringing VAMAtmosphere to 2.x, with new content and new tools. For instance a scatterer system to produce random sounds around the player. This is useful to create randomness and make an overall feeling of life in a scene with a couple of clicks.

    The other aspect I'm working on is to use the mixer system of Unity 202x. I'm currently trying several systems which could be implemented at some point inside VaM 2.x. We'll see with meshed what we can do, but the idea is to be able to remove the old ReverbZone system that I did in VAMAtmosphere, and make the reverb, echo, and all fancy audio effects into the settings of a scene.

    For instance, it might be possible to send an audio source or a character head audio to a specific effect channel to produce custom effects. Notice that this is a "might"... I'm still trying to figure out the best way to achieve this, and I need to discuss with meshed how far we go on this aspect.

    I have some other possibilities in mind like having an "audio player" atom which will remove all the knowledge you have to learn to simply play a basic ogg on an audio source. I think it's important to bring tools that are easy to use out of the box. And the simple concept of an audio source is already a complex system for newcomers and people who are not familiar with game development.

    We are also interested in what you think. If you have ideas, about sound, to improve VaM. Do not hesitate to suggest ideas. It does not mean we will do everything you suggest, but brainstorming together is also a way to improve the overall experience.


    Yes! Even tho we might not communicate a lot around 2.x. We are working. We are trying to bring the best experience possible for 2.x. Don't be sad or upset if we don't talk too much about it... we're here, hard at work... just in the shadows. ;)
    You are gifted, man. Very brilliant mind.
    As practical, material answer ....Get this modest amount (1 million euros in your Prussian-Swiss bank vam-account) as early premium for moan2 when it is done ...anything also maybe for vam 1xxxxx??. You french man, the best (only?) hope to get easy solutions for a natural sound-moan-slap-squish :unsure: effect in our poor poor (poor!) scenes. Natural, natural, "spontaneous", notonlymoansbreaths_NATURAL... Sounds. May Neptune help us in this sea of troubles!!!
    Djinn Teaser

    Finally, The Djinn teaser is available. You can watch the high quality on mega.
    This project is the result of seven creators of the community working together. @Damarmau @Jackaroo @Juno @kevinBurinn @Spacedog @TheOriginalBatatis and myself.

    It is also the result of months and months of development on my side. VAMMoan, VAMCUI, VAMAtmosphere, VAMOverlays, Fluids 101 and all the releases I've done for over a year were not only for the community but also for this particular scene I had in mind since 2069.

    Djinn is the result of all this + our discussions with this tiny team of awesome creators to improve the gameplay, the look and feel of this mini-story. A lot of experimentation and improvements have been made over a year and I hope that it will also give some ideas and new ways of authoring scenes for the community in the future.

    The scene will also add some new features / plugins that I haven't yet released like persistent game saves.

    I can't thank enough the creators directly involved in this project for accepting to join me. Their work is amazing.
    I also can't thank enough all the creators indirectly involved in this project (plugins, hair styles and more). Without them, this scene would not be as cool as it is ( yeap, that's subjective, I'll let you be the judges of that when it is released... but hey! The most important thing is that I like my work, isn't it? )

    There is still a bit of work to be done... I want this to be perfect. So... stay tuned!
    OHHHHHHHHHHH MAAAAAAAAAAAN, that is slick Dude, looks stunning. You guys rock, you guys continually inspire me to get better. I love each and everyone of you guys and all your amazing contributions. Ill buy you a model anytime bro.
    Why free content ? How can I give you money ?
    I don't know why, but this is a recurring question I often get in private on Discord recently. So I'm gonna adress both quickly.

    Why free ?
    First, I don't need money. But most importantly, I do this because I'm in modding communities since a long long time. VaM feels like a super opened playground with sex as a bonus. And I'm having a blast at creating content. Which will most certainly be influenced when you start to ask money from your supporters. I support a few creators I like in this community, and I've seen patreons comments that would drive me nuts.
    No money = no problems. And I love having no problems. Without money involved, I don't owe you anything, I release what I want, when I want, as I want. I am free from any obligation towards the people who use my creations, and it's something that allows me to explore whatever pleases me.

    How can I give you money ?
    Again, I don't need money. But...

    You are a creator who enjoys my content ? Drop me your last scene in private if you're creating paid content... I love what you do guys, but I cannot support everyone making paid content with my plugins and assets.
    Not a creator ? Shoot me a message in private, maybe you can buy me an asset or two for my next scene on cgtrader or sketchfab.
    Hey guys! It's been a long time since I'm not super active (I'm still lurking around tho).

    So that you do not worry, I've been super busy at work and in my personal life. Everything should go back to normal in a few weeks and I'll be back with some new content as soon as everything is settled.

    I've got my new scene slowly evolving to a cool VR experience with a tiny bit of gameplay and a more cinematic experience than 2069.
    Some cool new ideas and tests for the powers and some new particles.

    And also, I've been working a lot on Unity 2020 to start creating an awesome base of cool content when VAM 2.x releases.
    Here are a few screenshots in the mean time... enjoy!


    Unity 2020, looking forward to work on VAM 2.x!


    Einan, one of the golem girl you will encounter in my next scene "Djinn"
    in my last "season" of vam/playing time (the only VR thing I load) I was getting lost in a lot of nice and soon delusional experience. Wishing you my best I hope you will give us another 2069-like jewel .... you deserve a lot of respect and honest appreciation for your creations.
    Thank you keycode :oops:
    Something is on the way, I'm trying to get something really clean to make a tiny teaser... (which doesn't mean at all that it is going to be released anytime soon :p)
    Putting a few finishing touches to the new environment for VAMMoan + VAMafx new demo.
    VAMMoan is an audio plugin that drives moans for your characters, and well... you already know VAMafx. If you don't, check it out here.

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