• Hi Guest!

    This is a notice regarding recent upgrades to the Hub. Over the last month, we have added several new features to improve your experience.
    You can check out the details in our official announcement!
KeybindingsExtensions_ScenePluginTriggers (NEW EXTENSION!)

- Allows creating keybinds on ANY plugins (actions and toggles only), e.g. for MacGruber's PostMagic
- Keybinds: ScenePluginTriggers.RefreshList, ScenePluginTriggers.Settings


- New commands (see below)
- Navigation now mimics VaM's native navigation (wsadzx)
- Show "Keypad" on keypad number mappings
- Ability to invoke a keybinding with code using InvokeKeybindingsAction (SendMessage)
- Fix skewed Hud when opening the Hud with Keybindings in VR mode
- When opening Keybindings's UI, close other session plugin UIs
- Avoid crashing when a bad plugin publishes a null binding


- Fix bad empty plugins management

New commands:

- Global.HardReset
- Move.MoveToCameraRaycastHit
- Move.MoveAndAlignToCamera
- Camera.MoveToSceneLoadPosition
- Atom.ToggleCollisions
- Atom.Enable_Collisions
- Atom.Disable_Collisions
- WindowCamera.Toggle_CameraViewInHud
- WindowCamera.Toggle_CameraOn
- Add.Props_SimSheet
- Add.Shapes_IS*
- Add.Sound_AptSpeaker
- Add.Sound_RhythmAudioSource
- Add.Toys_Paddle
- Add.Triggers_Button
- Add.Triggers_UIButtonImage
- Settings.Toggle_HandCollisions
- Settings.Enable_HandCollisions
- Settings.Disable_HandCollisions
- Leap.Toggle_AllowPinchGrab
- Leap.Enable_AllowPinchGrab
- Leap.Disable_AllowPinchGrab
- Leap.Toggle_LeapMotion
- Leap.Enable_LeapMotion
- Leap.Disable_LeapMotion
- Don't process custom mouse bindings when mouse buttons are down
- Ability to adjust mouse sensitivity
- New Move.Rotate_RelativeToCamera_* commands to rotate controls against the camera axis
- New Packages.RescanAddonPackages, OpenPackageBuilder, OpenPackageManager commands
- New extension to add plugins to atoms using fuzzy find or shortcuts. You can now add Timeline, LogicBricks or Lumination without even opening VaM's UI! Add the new KeybindingExtensions_AddPlugin.cslist session plugin and add the plugins you use often.
- Automatically use ctrl to halve movement and shift to double it in bindings such as asdw.
- Fast camera pan bindings (shift+asdw)
- When rebinding an existing keymap, display a message instead of an error
- Small UI and labels improvements
- Fix default bindings not working until a custom binding has been set
- When filtering in Keybinding settings, filter empty groups too
- Show which atom will receive the invocation when using fuzzy finding
- Bindings for smooth pass 0-5
- Bindings for pixel lights count 0-3
- Fix for plugins registering directly in Init (this is how the doc said you should do it but it crashed, now it doesn't!)
- When opening a tab and the main UI is not opened, open the main UI
- When creating a new atom and the name is taking, start at #2 to be in line with how VaM does it (thanks @everlaster !)
- Shortcuts to change the physics rate
- Shortcuts to lots of settings such as reflections, soft physics, hands model
- Shortcuts to atom on/off
- Keep the plugin's commands order (do not order alphabetically)
- When multiple instances of a plugin are found on the same atom, whenever a plugin UI is opened, that plugin will receive the bindings for that atom
- Fix for binding using Oculus controller, and avoid having gamepad bindings affecting Oculus controllers
- Fix for the "Make default" button exporting in the wrong folder
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