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  • Thread starter Deleted member 2107
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Deleted member 2107

This is getting frustrating for people who are not up2date. All these file format changes and folder changes over the time and now there is *.VAR... I put them in the scenes folder and try to open them ingame via -> open scene. They don't show up.

All downloads here come without a readme. There is no install instructions. The WIKI is completely outdated and not covering this topic as well. Its fine to me that changes have been made but PLEASE have one place which is up to date informing about all these changes.

Back to my question: How do I open these VAR files?! I'm on (replaced the updater from the latest on Patreon, still no new version appears for me, just in case there is one) Thank you.
VAR files go into the AddonPackage folder, there are already a couple of VARs in there by default. Assuming your VAR contains a scene, in the open scene dialog on the left you can pick between the local scene folder and the content of each VAR package. Other content, like clothing or hair work the same way from the appropriate dialog.

There is a new VaM version (1.20) releasing soon, it was mentioned "end of the month", which would be tomorrow.
I also have to ask now since one of the Patreon Sites i just joined has near half Amount of Content packed as var in a "Looks" Category which does not
show up anywhere for me.

While all Model VAR Files which contain a "scene" Folder in that var do show up, all those which do not have a Scene Folder do not show up. How do i load these "Models" then ? I mean this is what i realized scanning like 30 Files now.

The VAR File contains /SAVES/PERSON/Appearance Folder and /custom/ Folder which contains /Hair /ATOM /Clothing Folders.

I mean if it would be clear its not a SCENE to load in VAM but 50% of that files are added to a Main category with Preview Pics pretending its a SCENE or whatver Model what should i think now being confused like hell not knowing at all what to do with this?
Honestly what do the Pay Site Owners / Creatives think releasing Patreon Content with zero Info about how to even use such Files?
Sure i will cancel it.
I luve the Creativity so much but its NOGO "Service" if its like that.

I am not willing to support such Sites who are not able to at least tell their Patreons who sign them how to comfort way use their Releases.

Now i am here in my new beluved VAM HUB and i hope such sites are not common to release such mess ;)
This should all be a great experience but obviously its not.

So id appreciate any help from you Experienced VAM Users to unblairwitch my Brain with that huge 100 Megabyte sizes VAR Files which
wont showup anywhere.

What is " the appropriate dialog " @MacGruber ?

if thats perhaps a way to open such VAR which do not contain a Scene

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Can't tell you what other creators are thinking, but keep in mind that they simply might be new to VaM as well and don't what they are doing ;)

There are 3 common ways to share a "Look":
  1. As an "Appearance Preset", this is the proper way to share it as this is what you need to transfer it into your own scenes:
  2. As a regular scene, you figured that out already. This way makes sense if you want to share the environment or light setup as well, so it looks as it is supposed to. Some might also share simply both, the Appearance Preset AND a scene. If you want to transfer it into your own scene and there isn't a preset already, simply create an "Appearance Preset" yourself.
  3. Also older stuff might be shared as a legacy "Look", this is from before we got the Appearance Presets. It should not be used for new stuff:
(There is something broken with the image upload here in the forum at the moment, therefore sorry for hosting on imgur)
Sorry to necro this thread, but how does one open a VAR when the package manager says the meta is invalid? Is there a manual way to open and fix the meta?
The error about invalid meta can be caused by a bad download. If it didn't come from the hub, that can happen. Try opening the var file with 7zip. If 7zip throws an error, delete the file and re-download. It's also possible it's not a var. It might be a bare json scene file that somebody named as a var by mistake. Try opening the file with a text editor and look at the first few lines. If it looks like json format, try putting it in saves/scene and see if it will load.
I wouldnt touch content that is not from the hub, or linked from the hub UNLESS you know which creator you got it from and who is linking it. I.e. not from the seven seas
VAR files go into the AddonPackage folder, there are already a couple of VARs in there by default. Assuming your VAR contains a scene, in the open scene dialog on the left you can pick between the local scene folder and the content of each VAR package. Other content, like clothing or hair work the same way from the appropriate dialog.

There is a new VaM version (1.20) releasing soon, it was mentioned "end of the month", which would be tomorrow.
hello, i read 3 times the explanation but...i dont understand. How can i open a var file that i have on my hard disk? I don t see any option on the menu ...
First off the VAR must be in the AddonPackages folder.
Now, if the VAR has a scene it can be opened by the Scene Browser. If the contents are something else, clothes for example, then you can find the clothes in the Clothing tab of a Person atom, and so on.
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