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Featured Contributor
hazmhox submitted a new resource:

VAMStory - Tell stories, write dialogs, control your scene.

  • If you like this asset, consider liking and reviewing it for the community
  • Read the description, read the ingame help if you have any trouble. I will not answer private messages asking questions about things that are actually explained in the documentation/help.

View attachment 197006

WARNING FIRST RELEASE: This is one of my most complex plugin. It needs to save and manipulate a lot of datas. I recommend...

Read more about this resource...

I just think this idea might be really good, so I wanted to try it out, but loading the plugin into an "empty" atom, I get this error message. Do you know what might be wrong?


I just think this idea might be really good, so I wanted to try it out, but loading the plugin into an "empty" atom, I get this error message. Do you know what might be wrong?

You're not up to date on VaM :)
You need to update it.
Excellent again, thank you very much Hazmhox! Now I can also make my kinky stories with text instead of generating TTS voices all the time.
Too great!!!

I have a feature suggestion:
Would it be possible to link a sound file (and audio source) to each dialog. I know, one could use the triggers to communicate with lets say audio mate, but i think it would be more convenient if it was in the same UI. Plus maybe one could just point to a folder and the plugin automatically searches for file names matching the dialog strings and applies them automatically, that would be QoL heaven :)
Or maybe point to a text file containing a dictionary containing the correspondencies, since the dialogues may contain illegal characters or are to long. But i have no clue if it's possible to read out txt files from a plugin. Lately im working alot with PinoSante's excellent TTS voice, that's why I'm asking.

Request / suggestion nr. 2: let the user proceed (or even revert) with a key stroke, like its possible in RenPy. This would ease things up if you primarily listen to the audio and are looking somewhere else...
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I have a feature suggestion:
Would it be possible to link a sound file (and audio source) to each dialog. [...]

Could you specify the goal ? Click sound ? Random ass sound for the characters ? Random enviro sound ?

Request / suggestion nr. 2: let the user proceed (or even revert) with a key stroke, like its possible in RenPy. This would ease things up if you primarily listen to the audio and are looking somewhere else...

Yup that's not a bad idea, but it would be limited to desktop tho.
We have no possibility to link VR inputs to something in a scene.
@hazmhox I am thinking along the same line as CheesyFX (I assume): the feature/goal would be, to link the dialogue line with voiced mp3/ogg files. So you could have the dialogue be played with audio. This would enable you as a creator, to write a branching story and when adding voiced lines using a tts (like the one I posted here ) you can actually have the character *say* the written lines. That is also possible right now, by using triggers, but it would be much more convenient if the dialogue + branches + audio would be controlled from the same plugin (your plugin).
@hazmhox I am thinking along the same line as CheesyFX (I assume): the feature/goal would be, to link the dialogue line with voiced mp3/ogg files. So you could have the dialogue be played with audio. This would enable you as a creator, to write a branching story and when adding voiced lines using a tts (like the one I posted here ) you can actually have the character *say* the written lines. That is also possible right now, by using triggers, but it would be much more convenient if the dialogue + branches + audio would be controlled from the same plugin (your plugin).

"Playing a sound" from a sound design perspective is far from telling the goal.
Would that be 2D sounds (stereo), 3D sounds ? sounds played on the dialog UI, sounds played from a specific spot or a specific character ?

You can't play a sound randomly without thinking about all these aspects :p
Pino explained it very well i think. It should be a 3d sound, played from the head audio of a selected person atom. The character should essentially read the lines you wrote. The file has to be created via TTS though. Your plugin already has the option for left/right. Maybe you could extend that to be char1 and char2 (or even more), with assotiated UI sides and an audioSource (head) linked to it.
From "play a simple audio" to "handle the character talking" real quick :]

This is not going to be a feature I will consider soon.
Just because of a simple reason: look at most of the visual novels done with RenPy (or anything else really).
Pretty much none handle voice acting. (and I'm not talking about the app, but the creator)
Even extremely successful studios like NLT do not do voice acting or TTS voice acting.

You could argue that VaM is "bigger" and would be the perfect situation to have voice acting. This is true.
But, today you have some TTS Cloning services that are pretty neat, and several ways to bypass the "demo" limitations. Still, pretty much no one uses TTS in VaM's scenes. I think I could count on two fingers the amount of scenes I've seen with a proper extended TTS implementation done manually.

Then, you could argue that if my plugin had the feature, it would be easier, and then everyone would do it.
But... I highly doubt it would be the case.

I'm not saying I would not consider it if suddenly, a huge amount of story creators would rise to ask for the feature.
But for now, I'm gonna "monitor" the plugin and check what use people make out of it... and also the amount of stories created.

If the community starts bringing really cool stories, and the need for identifying a person atom for each dialog starts to become real, then... maybe.

I generally prefer to focus on several meaningful features which makes the plugin better. Than working on a single really complex feature that is going to be used by just a super thin margin of the creators.

I'm just being pragmatic here : )

To give you an example, I've had dozens (like a lot) of people asking for VAMMoan customization, to each and everyone of them:
  • I've explained why it's not by default
  • Why VAMM works because of the audio and not the code itself
  • How to duplicate VAMMoan and create their own assetbundles and voices
  • Or How to bring me a custom audio package that I could myself add to VAMM
In this answer, there is a complex possibility (making your own version) or an easy one only requiring them to slice audio files and send them to me.
In these dozens of requests, after answering to them, only a single person got back to me and sent me a wonderful VAMM ready package (which is the last Emma voice).


This is why I'm super pragmatic when it comes to super specific requests :p
@hazmhox Thanks for your elaborate and sound reasoning. I agree with you, it's a niche feature and your efforts are probably better spent elsewhere. In the meantime I'll use your story engine for prototyping as it were and use statemachines to do the audio parts. Once I have something to show the world, I'll let you know what I've created (which can take a long time).
@hazmhox Thanks for your elaborate and sound reasoning. I agree with you, it's a niche feature and your efforts are probably better spent elsewhere. In the meantime I'll use your story engine for prototyping as it were and use statemachines to do the audio parts. Once I have something to show the world, I'll let you know what I've created (which can take a long time).

Can't wait!

The things I'm focusing right now: a QoL for the UX is dropping tonight. And I'm currently working a a sub-plugin of VaM story allowing "action panels" to be displayed when you reach the answer moment of a group. With unlimited buttons and a slider (which could help bringing interactive moments to the scene at branching points).
hazmhox updated VAMStory with a new update entry:

Features, QoLs and bug fixes

View attachment 197487
  • Added new feature: disable UI rotation. Allowing you to keep the rotation of the Atom for the UI.
    Important, you will need to resave your position for the group if you enable that feature.
    This will enable you to have UI oriented the way you want.

  • Huge QoL on the overall UX: thanks to @Acid Bubbles devtools, I finally found a way to modify the vanilla UI of VaM to do side by...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Cheers on the update, all good changes.

And I'm going to jump on the request bandwagon if this makes sense and is not a big undertaking:
  • The possibility of setting a time limit for a dialog to jump to the next without a user action.
A goal is to be able to syncronise with a running animation without having the animation working around the pace of the user's input. Also nice to be able to move the story along without needing to click them.

Thank you
I had already a similar feature up my sleeve: timed answers.

The idea for a dialog is neat, I can add that.

That said I'll add in the meantime a trigger "next dialog". I would recommend to not base your scripting on animation time. As you know, Timeline handles blending, and this could potentially alter the timings. Also you could have sync issue if you edit the length of the animations.

I would suggest to:
- Use timed skip (when it's available) simply for "narration" purposes.
- Use "next dialog" trigger in the animation to force skip at some point in the animation

It's better to script in a "callback" manner to control everything than trusting timings that could be altered by user actions to ensure your scene does not break :3
@hazmhox Thanks for your elaborate and sound reasoning. I agree with you, it's a niche feature and your efforts are probably better spent elsewhere. In the meantime I'll use your story engine for prototyping as it were and use statemachines to do the audio parts. Once I have something to show the world, I'll let you know what I've created (which can take a long time).
Hi there, I am on Hazm's side here. This is meant to drive a story via text.
And there are a lot of means doing stories driven by spoken voices (I did an almost 45 minute scene just with people talking with TTS voices).

I mean, if we use a voice reading the text, we won't need the text (this would look like subtitles for me)
For me its a very cool possibility to fastly script a story w/o the need to create all these dialog voices, which takes so much additional time.

However, you still can easily trigger your sound files on text appearance/click action to achieve the same, or?

Anyway, @hazmhox: very meaningful update, you must be on speed ;) Thx.
do you want to mention in the main description that the latest VaM version is needed? It was on the first update text but the main description would be a better place.
do you want to mention in the main description that the latest VaM version is needed? It was on the first update text but the main description would be a better place.

Good catch, I added it in the main warning. That said... no one reads :p
Can I say just say that I'm having a great time just with the avatar potentials alone? 🤗
Making images depicting the person's expressions is another great way to communicate beyond text and we can use PNG with a alpha channel 🥳
Can I say just say that I'm having a great time just with the avatar potentials alone? 🤗
Making images depicting the person's expressions is another great way to communicate beyond text and we can use PNG with a alpha channel 🥳
Hey, great idea with the „Expression Avatars“, thanks for the inspiration!
*goes to screenshot session *
@hazmhox I know I am too demanding, but:
would it be possible to manually add more than 3 answers?

I have a non story related scenario in mind, where I can talk with a person to do certain things like posing, fire up animations, change clothing, change position, change location in the scene etc...
Goal is to have a kind of model presentation scene with many aspects.
This is not achievable with only 3 answers.

Thx for listening
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