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What would be the ultimate physics settings for possession?

Acid Bubbles

Invaluable member
Featured Contributor
Hi! I'm the author of Embody and I'd like to add the ability to automatically setup physics settings to something that's "optimal" for possession. So, regardless of whether you use Embody, some of my older plugins or VaM's built-in possession, what would you see as the "ultimate physics settings for possession"?

VaM will change the hold position spring to 50,000 and the hold rotation spring to 5000 for the possessed controls (Embody does the same by default).

However, maybe reducing Damper would be a good thing, but for all nodes? Only the possession nodes? All the way to zero (risk of chaotic movements) or if not, what would be the correct value?

There's a ton of information there https://hub.virtamate.com/wiki/person_joint_physics/ thanks to @VaMDeV (incredible work) but what I'd like to know is what _you_ actually think would be the optimal settings based on your experience, and why.

My goal is to eventually use this for an automatic physics setup, so keep in mind that I _will_ use your answers in Embody :)
After a long time trying to figure out which settings are the best for control nodes, I came to the conclusion that the maximum values of 10,000 and 1,000 can be used for the hands (rHandControl and lHandControl) and headControl. But under no circumstances should you use the maximum values (Spring and Damper) for the chest and hip nodes in the possession mode. Even the slightest movement of the chest or hip skews the character. So 50% (5000 hold pos.&rot. spring, 500 pos.&rot. damper) would be perfect. Also @Acidbubbles Probably there is a mistake: VAM Changes hold position&Rotation spring and position&Rotation damper for the possessed controls to 10000 and 1000 respectively. For the rest of the nodes I also think 50% would be great. Using lower values will create a delay (The geometry will always lag behind the movement of the node). Even at 50% I feel a delay. But using higher values would cause sudden jitter and twists of geometry.
My biggest current issue with Embody once I figured out how to get the eye tracking to actually follow the parent (so new to this) is that my favorite scenes are very close and intimate and in those there are sometimes brief moments where the female face/hair will clip in.

I think a great fix would be a 'personal space' slider that sets a minimum distance between the eye tracking target and the embody camera position. When it gets closer, the camera would push back to that minimum setting along the axis formed between the camera and the eye tracking target.

By default this would be set to about the distance between male head and female head nodes when they are about 3 cm apart.
I know this 'pushback' could cause the camera to clip into the male neck if the pushback is coming from above, but this 'might sometimes clip' is better than the 'will always clip' when that distance gets too small.

I have done some programming myself and am starting to slowly figure out this stuff (have tweaked a few simpler addons from other creators), but as a documentation addict I kinda hate the current addon dev environment with no documentation at all, heh.
(about all possession questions ...what about renting a smart vam-exorcist? would that improve also fapping-per-second performance?)
(this is my last bullshit for today, sorry!)
Any updates to Embody coming in near future in regards to original question?
@stylesi no, I hoped to receive more answers from well known mocappers and people who have tweaked their settings a lot and see if there were a consensus on what was "right", but I didn't receive enough information to make a proposal within the plugin. If eventually I receive enough info I'll certainly reconsider though.
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